Maru After the Earthquake in Japan

Maru After the Earthquake in Japan


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Maru shared with us that the damage is small in the area he is in. He has quickly returned back to his normal self.

Maru received a lot of messages and emails right after the earthquake hit Japan. He thanks everyone for caring and worrying about him. Maru regained his appetite very quickly. Overall, he is doing well.

This is not the first time that Maru experiences earthquakes. He is dealing with it with calmness and is not afraid at all.

Maru received a lot of prayers and encouragement to Japan and the people there. He is not able to show all those wonderful messages to us, so he has opened up a post where you can send prayers to Japan and all the victims of this devastation.

Click here to leave a message to Maru.

How to help:

Here are new photos of Maru after the earthquake:



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