Tiger, the King in His Home

Tiger, the King in His Home


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Tiger, a beautiful ginger and white kitty is spoiled rotten like a royal king by his hooman parents. Though his mommy and daddy both have a 9 to 5 job, when they get home, they give all their time and attention to their fluffy boy, Tiger.

Tiger's favorte place to nap in is a large cat bed that resembles a pumpkin, a pink pumpkin :). The walls of the bed are very tall, so Tiger finds it an excellent fortress for him to hide in. When he plays hide and seek with his parents, he sometimes goes behind the bed, hoping to confuse his parents of his whereabouts.

Tiger has two big cat condos that many kitties envy. He loves cat trees and can stay in it for hours and hours. Tiger's daddy often finds himself twisting his body in many ways to try to capture all the wonderful moments of Tiger relaxing in the tree. Daddy's hard work has finally paid off. Tiger has brought out his inner model, posing and giving different looks for daddy and mommy to photograph. Sometimes he even surprises them with something they have never seen before. Tiger is truely the most talented one in the family :).

"He is our little king. He runs the house and we are just his staff."

Photos courtesy of Dove Young.

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