Two Day Old Orphaned Kitten's Life Completely Changed in 16 Weeks

Two Day Old Orphaned Kitten's Life Completely Changed in 16 Weeks


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This kitty was just two days old when they found him as an orphan. He was smaller than the palm of a hand. This is his journey from a tiny baby to a beautiful cat!

YouTube/Best Friends Animal Society

"When Skeeter arrived at Best Friends Animal Society's Salt Lake City Kitten Nursery, he was motherless and just two days old.

But with lots of loving care and a tough spirit, Skeeter quickly grew to be healthy and strong. He also possessed a bigger than life personality. This is Skeeter's 16 week journey from the nursery to his new loving home," Best Friends Animal Society said.

YouTube/Best Friends Animal Society

Growing by leaps and bounds!

YouTube/Best Friends Animal Society

Eating like a champ!

YouTube/Best Friends Animal Society

Getting some love from a surrogate mama!

YouTube/Best Friends Animal Society

Getting ready for a loving home!

YouTube/Best Friends Animal Society

Skeeter in his forever home!

YouTube/Best Friends Animal Society

Watch the full story in this video:

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