Wallaby the Sweetest Little Thing

Wallaby the Sweetest Little Thing


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Eva from Brooklyn, New York, has rescued and fostered many kitties and some of them were very difficult to let go. One of them is named Wallaby. "I met many cats in the past 3 years and I loved them all. But Wallaby was the most charming little guy I have ever met," said Eva.

Wallaby is a dwarf cat. When he was 1 year old, he only weighed about 5 pounds. He has very short front paws but is the sweetest, cutest little thing with a heart melting purr.

"Wallaby and Gulliver (formerly named Mason) went to their forever home a few weeks ago. While I miss them both terribly - I visited them and I am fully convinced that it was a good decision to let them go. Each one is the only cat and during the day they have each other!"

"I wish I could keep him, but he will always be in my heart as a cutie pie toy cat whom I rescued from euthanasia and who paid me back with so much joy that my tears right now - don't matter. Be well, little cutie pie cat. I will always love and remember you."

If you want to adopt a kitty from Eva or Lisa, you can contact Friends of Animal Rescue (FOAR) and mention Eva101 or Lisacat, and they will direct you to their animal rescue group.

Photos courtesy of ©Eva.

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