Blind Cat Becomes Guardian Angel to Disabled Dog and Helps Her Find Courage...

Blind Cat Becomes Guardian Angel to Disabled Dog and Helps Her Find Courage...


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A blind cat has become the guardian angel of a special needs dog. The two do everything and go everywhere together.

Meet Mowgli the cat and Scarlett the dog!

Triple H Miniature Horse Rescue

In September, 2016, a tiny blind kitten found his way into the Triple H Miniature Horse Rescue after he was spotted wandering the streets bumping into things.

"Mowgli was a cat found with two excessive eye infections. He could not see, but thankfully someone took him to a vet," Alison Smith, founder of Triple H Miniature Horse Rescue, told Love Meow.

The vet had to remove his eyes to save his life. When Alison was contacted about the little stray who needed a home, she couldn't say no. "He was only 9-10 weeks old at this time and was very scared and unsure of himself."

Triple H Miniature Horse Rescue

They welcomed little Mowgli with open arms. The ginger boy is just one of the many special needs animals that Alison has rescued.

Mowgli began to learn to navigate in the hallway with his other senses, and soon he mapped out the entire house and knew all the places by memory. "He loves people but I felt something was missing. In December I was asked to take in another paralyzed dog found in a (North Dakota) ditch, hit by a car," Alison said.

Triple H Miniature Horse Rescue

The little Chihuahua, Pug cross had suffered frostbite on her ears and pads of her feet. She has lost mobility in her hindquarters. When she came to Alison, she was starving for love.

Scarlett was very insecure and extremely needy. She followed Alison everywhere she went and couldn't stand being alone for a second. When Mowgli and Scarlett met, it was as if they had known each other all their lives. "They immediately hit it off and both came to life!"

Triple H Miniature Horse Rescue

The two best friends run in pair all day long. They eat, sleep, play, and do everything together like two peas in a pod, completely inseparable.

Scarlett blossomed from this relationship. Not only did she find security, but also she found courage and love. The unlikely pair brought out the best in each other.

Triple H Miniature Horse Rescue

Mowgli doesn't have sight but he always knows where Scarlett is.

The smart ginger boy likes to sit in his favorite chair and reach out his paws to feel the height and distance. Whenever Scarlett comes over, he will have his paws wrapped around her neck as if he is giving her a hug.

Scarlett loves it, and she never misses a day without a few hugs from her best friend.

Triple H Miniature Horse Rescue

"They are always together and play non stop.They love to visit nursing homes and travel together," Alison told Love Meow.

The two best friends never leave each other's side when they travel. Mowgli is Scarlett's purrsonal bodyguard.

Triple H Miniature Horse Rescue

Mowgli enjoys all the interesting sounds and new scents while riding in a stroller with his best friend.

Triple H Miniature Horse Rescue

Mowgli seems to know whenever Scarlett needs a bit of TLC and will snuggle up to comfort her.

Triple H Miniature Horse Rescue

The two share a unique bond that their humans have never seen before.

Despite their disabilities, Mowgli and Scarlett love each other and share their life journey together, side-by-side.

Triple H Miniature Horse Rescue

Sharing a Teepee together :)

Share this story with your friends. Follow their journey together on Facebook. Follow Triple H Miniature Horse Rescue on Facebook. Visit their rescue cats here. If you would like to support their rescue efforts, click here to see how you can help.

Related story: Dog Took Cat Out of Shelter and Becomes His Bodyguard for Life

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