Cat Insists on Caring for Three-legged Kitten Who Was Found Wandering the Streets

Cat Insists on Caring for Three-legged Kitten Who Was Found Wandering the Streets


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A tripod kitten came to her foster home for a chance at a better life. A cat took her under his wing and insisted on caring for her.

Emily @gingeralfalfa

A stray kitten with an injured leg was brought into the Lake County Animal Shelter in Tavares, Florida. She was curious, hungry and eager for attention.

"The vet decided it was in the best interest of the kitten that the leg be amputated," Emily Blythe, staff member at the shelter, told Love Meow.

They named her Morgan, and the little tuxedo quickly bounced back from her surgery and adjusted to walking on three paws.

Emily @gingeralfalfa

Emily offered to foster her so the kitten could continue her healing process in the comfort of a loving home.

"After her surgery, she came to live with me. Her wounds were cleaned daily, and she was slowly introduced to Runt (one of the resident cats)."

Emily @gingeralfalfa

Runt adores every kitten that Emily brings home from the shelter. He was found in rough shape, and began to thrive when he met his first foster. "The vet estimates him to be around 14 years old. He is the most easy-going cat."

Since then, he's been a grandpa to many rescued kittens that have come through the door. He takes it upon himself to nurture and clean, and help the kittens learn to trust and love.

Grandpa Runt and his previous foster kitten, DollyEmily @gingeralfalfa

Morgan's personality began to shine after she met Runt. She would play and wrestle with him when he tried to give her a bath.

The tabby cat tolerates her every antic and insists on maintaining her daily cleaning regimen.

Emily @gingeralfalfa

He takes grooming very seriously, even if it means he has to put up with Morgan's mischief and unbridled energy.

Watch Morgan and Runt in this cute video:

Cat cares for tripod

Runt has taught the tuxedo how to play nicely with other kitties and how to be a cat.

He watches over her when she plays and keeps her company if she needs a cuddle.

Emily @gingeralfalfa

"Morgan has blossomed into a feisty little kitten," Emily said.

"She loves to go after Runt and the other cats in the house, even if they don't want to."

Emily @gingeralfalfa

Despite having only three legs, Morgan can do things just like any 4-legged cat.

"She's such a spitfire, you'd never know she's a tripod."

Emily @gingeralfalfa

The rambunctious kitty has been in foster care for a few months now, and is more ready for her next chapter in life — a forever loving home.

Grandpa Runt is very proud!

Emily @gingeralfalfa

Share this story with your friends. Follow Morgan and Runt on Instagram.

Related story: Stray Cat Comes Back to Find Her Kittens Who Were Brought to the Shelter

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