Family Saves Kitten with One Eye and Crooked Jaw and Turns His Life Around

Family Saves Kitten with One Eye and Crooked Jaw and Turns His Life Around


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A family from North Dakota rescued a tiny kitten from an uncertain fate. His name is Cricket and he was born with one eye, a cleft lip and a crooked jaw.

Megan Boehm

Megan Boehm's mother learned about the kitten's plight through her coworker about a year ago. The kitty was born with several deformities due to irresponsible breeding. The breeder wanted to have him put down because he looked different.

Megan's mother rushed to save him and brought him home. "He was severely malnourished and just skin and bones," Megan told Love Meow.

Soon after Cricket arrived, he inspected all their shoes, explored around his new abode and snuggled right up to his humans for some much-needed TLC.

"Cricket seemed right at home! He wanted to snuggle all day long. I loved him and would do anything for him from the moment I met him."

Megan Boehm

Cricket quickly proved to be a love-bug. He would cuddle with Megan whenever he got a chance and stay close to her so he would not feel alone.

"We nursed him back to health and got him to the vet. Within a couple of days, he was looking much better. He loved to sleep on my shoulders when he was a kitten," Megan said.

Megan Boehm

Cricket has a unique look and a larger-than-life personality.

"He is usually very sweet and cute but can get feisty. He is very playful and definitely a talker," Megan told Love Meow. "He makes little chirping noises and when he does his zoomies and runs, he makes a banjo noise."

Megan Boehm

Cricket can play and do things just like any other kitty. Despite occasionally running into things, he doesn't let anything slow him down.

"Cricket has given me purpose. I look forward to seeing him everyday," Megan told Love Meow. "When I am stressed, sad or even angry, Cricket always makes it better."

Megan Boehm

"We rescued him, but he definitely saved my life, too."

Watch Cricket's journey in this cute video:

Cricket and Megan share a very close bond.

"He follows me around the house, especially if we are home alone. He naps all day but goes from room to room with me - from the kitchen to the bathroom."

Megan Boehm

The best thing to wake up to...

"Some mornings he wakes me up, but he is getting better at waiting for my alarm to go off. I feed him first before I do anything else," Megan told Love Meow.

Megan Boehm

"Playing hide and seek with me is his absolute favorite."

Megan Boehm

When Cricket wants something, he is not shy of voicing it.

"He is very vocal. He makes this banjo type sound whenever he wants to play or wants attention. If he wants food, he meows very loudly."

Megan Boehm

Cricket the supurrvisor!

Megan Boehm

"Special needs cats are always worth adopting! If you let them into your heart, they are worth any effort. Cricket is just like any other cat," Megan told Love Meow.

"I would encourage people who are considering adopting, to look at animals who are last to be adopted. Maybe these are the animals that have been sitting in the shelter for a long time, but they can make the greatest of companions."

Megan Boehm

Last year, Megan and her family rescued little Cricket and gave him a forever home he so deserves.

He's blossomed into a beautiful, fluffy cat with quite the cattitude.

Megan Boehm

Share this story with your friends. Follow Cricket and his adventures on Instagram.

Related story: Rescued Kitten with 4 Ears Meets His Little Brother Who Also Has Extra Ears

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