Kitten Found Wandering in Park - Woman Rescued Him and Went Back to Find His Siblings

Kitten Found Wandering in Park - Woman Rescued Him and Went Back to Find His Siblings


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A woman went to walk her dog but came home with a kitten who needed help. She returned to look for other kittens and was surprised by what she found.

Marimon @marimon0703__

In Mid-September, Marimon from Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan was out walking her dog in a park near her house. She saw a kitten wandering alone without a mom.

"He couldn't have arrived alone. The only female cat that lives in the park, has been spayed," Marimon shared with Love Meow.

The kitten most likely had been abandoned. Marimon took him home so he could have a safe place to stay and food to eat. "He was about 1 1/2 to two months old. He was given antibiotics for a cold and treated for fleas."

Marimon @marimon0703__

The kitten hadn't been properly weaned so the family mixed kitten milk with food to help him eat. "10 minutes after he finished the food, he suddenly started meowing, and even let me touch him and hold him," Marimon wrote.

For the first few days, the kitten stayed in a nursery pen. At night, he would cry nonstop as he didn't want to be alone. Some of their resident cats would come over and stay outside the nursery pen to keep him company.

Marimon @marimon0703__

In the back of their mind, they wondered if there were more kittens in the park and perhaps, this ginger boy was missing his siblings. Marimon decided to go back to search for others.

As she was looking around the area, suddenly, she saw a little tabby hiding in a bush and another ginger nearby.

Marimon @marimon0703__

"I was surprised when I rescued one kitten at first and then I found two later," Marimon told Love Meow. "I was able to rescue them safely and took them to an animal hospital."

They had the same health issues (which were then treated) and were the same age as the other kitten.

(Scroll down for video)

Marimon @marimon0703__

"I was happy that I found his brothers and they could meet again," Marimon added.

After three days of being apart, the kittens were finally reunited.

Marimon @marimon0703__

The little ginger (Kai-kun) who was rescued first, was ecstatic to see his brothers (So-kun and Fu-kun).

He no longer cried at night as he was content having his litter mates back by his side. He couldn't stop playing and grooming them.

Marimon @marimon0703__

Over the next few weeks, the trio really blossomed.

Watch their rescue journey in this video:

Three rescued kittens and their

They grew by leaps and bounds and befriended several resident cats who took them under their wing and taught them how to be a cat.

Marimon @marimon0703__

The three brothers share an adorable bond.

They do everything together and are never far away from each other. The family hopes to find them a good home together.

Marimon @marimon0703__

Sol Papa the resident cat offers to kitten-sit every rescue that comes through the door.

He bathes the trio after meal time to make sure they stay clean from head to tail.

Marimon @marimon0703__

"While Fu-kun is very close to humans and loves shoulder rides, his brothers, Kai-kun and So-kun, prefer hanging out with their feline buddies," Marimon said.

Kinako the resident ginger adores the fosters and enjoys cuddling with them when they nap.

Marimon @marimon0703__

After a rough start, the three musketeers are thriving in foster care and can't wait to find a place to call their very own.

Marimon @marimon0703__

Share this story with your friends. Follow updates on the trio on Instagram.

Related story: Woman Woke Up to Find Cat Brothers Caring for Rescued Kittens After They Escaped from Playpen

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