Woman Saves Kitten with Twisted Legs and Tiny Body When Others Have Given Up

Woman Saves Kitten with Twisted Legs and Tiny Body When Others Have Given Up


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At eight weeks old, this kitten was just the size of a 4-week old kitty. A woman saved her from an uncertain fate when she was deemed "unadoptable."

Rustic Acres Wildcat Rescue

Tara Kay, founder of The Odd Cat Sanctuary in Salem, Massachusetts, was contacted about a little special needs kitten named Lucille. She was born with "twisted leg syndrome."

"She was set to be euthanized at a local animal control, and a volunteer reached out to us," Tara told Love Meow.

The shelter volunteer wanted to give the kitten a fighting chance and a life she deserved. She sent out a plea to Tara and asked if she could help her. "We gladly took her in."

Lucille was much smaller than other kittens her age. At eight weeks old, she weighed just under a pound (0.96 lbs).

The Odd Cat Sanctuary

The little bundle of fur has a big personality and a loud meow that would make quite the first impression on anyone she interacts with. (Scroll down for video)

"The moment I met her, she was crying to be picked up," Tara said. "She settled as soon as I held her, and was purring nonstop."

Rustic Acres Wildcat Rescue

On their way back to the sanctuary, little Lucille demanded to be cuddled and wouldn't take no for an answer.

"She screams to be picked up. She loves to be held and her belly rubbed."

The Odd Cat Sanctuary

The tiny kitty immediately started walking when she arrived at her new home.

Despite having "bent legs," she can get around just fine and use her litter box like a champ. "She is abnormally small. Her siblings are well over two pounds and three times her size," Tara told Love Meow.

The Odd Cat Sanctuary

Lucille has proven to everyone that she can do anything just like other cats. Once she gets her paws on a toy, she will go at it nonstop until she tires herself out.

Watch Lucille in this adorable video:

Kitten with special needs gets a second chance at lifeyoutu.be

She will be seen by a specialist in a few days to see if they can help her improve her condition and get the best quality life possible.

Tara gave her a little snuggly toy that purrs so she will not feel alone. Lucille adores it and cuddles with it every night when she sleeps.

The Odd Cat Sanctuary

Being different doesn't bother Lucille a bit. All she wants is a warm lap to sit on, lots of cuddles, an assortment of toys to choose from, and good food.

Lucille may stay small forever, but what she lacks in size, she makes up for with her personality and sass.

The Odd Cat Sanctuary

Ethel, a blind kitty with hydrocephalus, came to meet Lucille. She sniffed around her new friend and booped her nose with a gentle kiss.

The Odd Cat Sanctuary

They don't think they are any different, and they don't let anything stop them from enjoying life.

Sweetest kitty introduction!The Odd Cat Sanctuary

"Despite having the odds stacked up against her, she's thriving," Tara told Love Meow.

"She's truly remarkable."

The Odd Cat Sanctuary

Follow updates on Lucille on Facebook and Instagram. If you would like to support their rescue efforts, click here to see how you can help.

Related story: Kitten Brother and Sister Keep Each Other Alive Until They are Saved

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