Orphan Newborn Kitten Finds A New Mom

Orphan Newborn Kitten Finds A New Mom


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A little grey and white kitten was found alone by herself as a newborn. A group of volunteers from Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Association (VOKRA) helped her find a new mom cat and a litter of kitty siblings to play with.

"(The mama cat) had six of her own and then adopted a little orphan newborn," said the foster mom via reddit. "…she is nearly 2 weeks younger than her siblings."

More info: reddit. Follow VOKRA on Facebook.

They helped her find a new mom cat and a litter of 6 kittens to play with. She is nearly 2 weeks younger than her siblings.

"Can we keep her?"

WATCH VIDEO: They named her Vivi. Here she is playing with her big brother Zeus.

How much she grew in just a week.

Vivi doing kitty origami.

Vivi has grown by leaps and bounds. She adores her adoptive mom.

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