Stray Kitten Comes Running into Apartment and Moves Right in

Stray Kitten Comes Running into Apartment and Moves Right in


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A tiny stray kitten ran into an apartment and decided to make it his forever home.

stray kitten, tabby, apartmentCaleigh Farragher

Caleigh Farragher who lives in New York, had a surprise visit from an unexpected friend two days ago. A little tabby kitten snuck into her apartment building and made his way into her home.

"We live on the basement level of our apartment, and there's a maintenance door that is usually locked. But lucky for us, the door was open that day, and the sweet kitten came running to us," Caleigh told Love Meow.

As soon as the tabby heard their voice, he made a beeline towards his human friends, asking for attention. He was just a pint-sized kitten but so brave and friendly.

They looked around for a mother cat and other kittens, but he was the only one there, and no one came to claim him. They brought him inside, got a towel for him to wipe off the rain and a warm bed for him to rest in.

stray kitten, apartmentCaleigh Farragher

"It was pouring rain and we couldn't put him back out. He was unbelievably friendly and a chatter box. Once he got inside he was climbing and exploring," Caleigh shared with Love Meow.

This sweet tabby came into Caleigh's life during a very somber time. "My grandma passed away last Sunday, and she was the biggest cat lover. It feels like she's come back to us through the kitten."

The little feline buddy crawled onto her lap as if he knew just what she needed. He rolled around and wrestled with the finger monsters, putting a big smile on her face.

stray kitten, move into apartmentCaleigh Farragher

They named the sweet kitty Patty after Caleigh's grandma, and took him to the vet for a checkup. That's when they learned that he is a boy, and was estimated to be 4-5 weeks old.

The moment the kitten moved himself in, they knew it was meant to be. "Patty has a clean bill of health and a new home," Caleigh said.

The little basement cat is making himself right at home. When he needs a break from scampering around the apartment, he climbs onto his human mom's lap or shoulders for some cuddles and pets.

tabby kitten, shoulder kitten, lap catCaleigh Farragher

"He's only a lowly 0.7 lbs but loving his formula and climbing and jumping everything. He is so happy."

Watch the kitten and his journey in this cute video:

Stray Kitten Walks into Apartment and Finds His Forever

The little tabby is loving his new VIP life as an indoor kitten. He's trying to pounce and catch anything that moves, already displaying such prowess and tenacity at getting what he wants.

Within a day, he's figured out his new digs and claimed every nook and cranny. His favorite perching spots are his humans' shoulders, chest, and lap. This little ball of fur has a lot of growing to do. He may be tiny but he's got a mighty personality and is constantly on the lookout for mischief.

shoulder cat, shoulder kittenCaleigh Farther

Caleigh never expected her life would be touched by a tiny feline angel who found his way into her apartment.

"It's been two whole days and he's running the show — eating, jumping, meowing. He's truly the cutest I've ever seen!"

stray kitten, tabby kittenCaleigh Farragher

Share this story with your friends. Follow Patty and his adventures on tiktok @aboynamedpatty

Related story: Cat Walked into Woman's Apartment with a Kitten, Then Came Back with More


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