Kitten Rescued from Feral Life, Discovered Warm Lap and Couldn't Stop Cuddling

Kitten Rescued from Feral Life, Discovered Warm Lap and Couldn't Stop Cuddling


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A little tortie kitten discovered her love for laps and couldn't stop cuddling.

Mini Cat Town

Laura Malone, a director of Mini Cat Town, was at the San Jose animal shelter when she came across a litter of four kittens needing a foster home. They were born to a feral cat and had stayed at the shelter for about a week.

Mini Cat Town took them into their care, and the litter of four went home with Laura, their new foster mom. For the first time, they got to experience life as indoor cats. "They are weaned and just need to get used to human interaction," Laura told Love Meow.

One of the kittens quickly stood out.

Bowser, Tanooki, Daisy and PeachMini Cat Town

Tanooki, the little tortie, arrived with her two sisters, Daisy and Peach, and brother, Bowser.

They were very curious, exploring every nook and cranny of their new room and investigating all the toys they could lay their paws on.

Mini Cat Town

"They felt comfortable enough playing with me in the room while I was watching them. Sometimes, they'd come over to me and sit and stare at me," Laura said.

Tanooki, the bravest of the litter, was the first to come up to Laura and inspect her lap. She almost fell asleep standing up while getting petted.

Mini Cat Town

Once she discovered a warm lap, she crawled right onto it, curled up and purred.

While other kittens were scampering around the room, Tanooki was cuddling with her foster mom, soaking up the love. From that day on, whenever Laura entered the room, the little tortie came running and made her way to her favorite nap spot.

Mini Cat Town

Her siblings soon followed suit and joined the snuggle fest. "When I sit on the floor in the room, they come right up and crawl onto my lap," Laura told Love Meow.

Watch Tanooki and her siblings in this cute video:

Rescued kitten turns into cuddly lap

Tanooki and her sister Daisy shared lap time with their foster mom while their brother Bower supervised from the nest.

Mini Cat Town

The tortie girl has turned into quite the cuddle-bug.

She is playful and a great eater, but whenever she gets a chance, she goes straight to her foster mom and nuzzles right in for cuddles.

Mini Cat Town

"She'll come right over to snuggle and when I pet her, she stares right at me and purrs," Laura said.

The kittens never have to wander the streets thanks to their rescuers. In a few weeks, they will be ready for their forever homes.

Mini Cat Town

If there's an empty lap in the house, Tanooki is there to the rescue.

Mini Cat Town

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Related story: Kitten Insists on Sitting on Every Lap He Sees After Being Rescued from the Streets

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