Kitten Saved from Bitter Cold Has Her Life Turned Around This Holiday Season

Kitten Saved from Bitter Cold Has Her Life Turned Around This Holiday Season


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A tiny 2-week-old kitten was found wandering alone on the streets, trying to survive the bitter cold.

A Good Samaritan heard her cries and rushed to save her.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

Without a mother in sight, the kitten was taken to a local animal shelter in Montreal, Canada. The shelter didn't have the resources to bottle feed a young kitten her age so staff reached out to Chatons Orphelins Montréal for help.

"They didn't want to give up on her so asked us if we could take her in," Chatons Orphelins Montréal told Love Meow.

They were able to find the kitten a caretaker and immediately arranged transport to get the kitten into foster care. Within hours, the kitten was in the comfort of a warm home instead of braving the bitter cold and harsh elements of the outdoors.

They named her Lola!

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

The ginger girl settled into her foster home right away. She latched onto a bottle like a champ and loved all the attention she could get. Despite having a tough start to life, she began to thrive.

"She was curious and wanted to explore and already showed quite a character."

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

"At this weight and without a mom, the risk is much greater, but now she is with an experienced foster mom and doing well. She climbs and walks and demands constant attention," the rescue told Love Meow.

A week later, she could see and hear better as her eyes and ears continued to develop. The little bundle of fur was growing by leaps and bounds.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

Lola enjoys playing with older kitties and learning all sorts of skills from them. When they perch on a cat tree, she follows suit.

"She is resourceful and curious. Lola is a mischief maker, even when she was little. She is sassy and fearless when she plays with older cats," the rescue said.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

"Lola loves her humans and follows them everywhere they go. She wants to keep them company and offer them kisses."

She will wait by the door when her foster mom comes home, and greet her with snuggles.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

In just a few weeks, the tiny kitten has blossomed into a mischievous, playful kitty with quite the cattitude.

"She wouldn't have survived on her own this winter. Now, she's loved, healthy and adores everyone she comes across," the rescue told Love Meow.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

No more wandering the streets alone or living out in the cold, little Lola is having her first Christmas with her loving foster family and playing with other kitties by the Christmas tree.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

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Related story: Kitten Follows His Humans Loyally Everywhere They Go After They Gave Him a Home

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