Stray Kitten Was Shy and Alone - They Found a Way to Help Her Be Happy Again

Stray Kitten Was Shy and Alone - They Found a Way to Help Her Be Happy Again


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A shy little stray was found in a garden all alone. They found a way to help her trust and be happy again.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

A few weeks ago, a resident in Montreal, Canada was outside when her dog noticed a little ball of fur in her garden. She immediately went to investigate and discovered a tiny kitten all by herself. She was very timid and frail.

After looking everywhere around the area, she couldn't find other kittens, and the cat mom never returned. The kind woman took the kitten inside, got her some food and contacted Chatons Orphelins Montréal for help.

"The kitten named Lotus was just skin and bones. Most likely, she hadn't had a mom for a long time," Celine Crom of Chatons Orphelins Montréal shared with Love Meow.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

Little Lotus was very shy and didn't want to come out of her carrier. But when they opened a can of kitten food, she was simply too hungry to resist it.

"She was so hungry and threw herself on the food. After eating, she started to purr for the first time. It was a very good start." Lotus tested positive for FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus) and he will need to be re-tested at six months.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

Emmanuelle, who works at the vet clinic, saw right through her shy exterior. She knew deep down there was a kitty who just wanted to be loved.

She offered to foster Lotus and help her regain confidence while nursing her back to health.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

She knew just the way to help the shy kitty come out of her shell. Emmanuelle began to cuddle with Lotus whenever she could - to make her feel safe around people and to keep her company so she would not feel lonely.

Lotus was a bit hesitant at first, but soon after she felt the comfort of a hug, she quickly learned to calm down. After a little while, she even started rumbling with her little purrs.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

Seeing how quickly Lotus improved after a cuddle session, she continued giving her hugs and cuddles throughout the day so the kitty never lacked affection and love.

She put the kitten in her bathrobe pocket and the little one fell asleep in it, purring away.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

Lotus slowly came out of her shell and grew more attached to her foster mom.

She insists on being carried around the house and doesn't want to be left alone. When Emmanuelle goes to work, she brings the kitty along. Lotus will curl up in her scrub pocket and nap until her next adventure.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

The shy little kitty has come a long way - she's gained a lot of healthy weight and really filled out.

She has blossomed into a happy, playful, curious tabby, who wants to know what everyone is doing and her personality is shining through.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

Lotus prefers being held and carried around everywhere as it makes her feel safe and loved.

They found her in the garden without a mom, and now she has a team of volunteers to play with and a dedicated foster mom who loves her to bits.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

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Related story: Shy Kitten Hugs Man When He Comes to Help Him - the Kitty Won't Stop Cuddling

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