Dogs Hear Orphaned Kitten's Cries and Come Running, They Help Him Thrive

Dogs Hear Orphaned Kitten's Cries and Come Running, They Help Him Thrive


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A tiny orphaned kitten who was found all alone, now has three adoring canine friends.

Beth Walden @mr_tiny_pants

On September 1st, Beth Walden from Florida saw an urgent plea about a days-old kitten on Facebook. The little one was found abandoned outside and needed someone to rescue him.

Beth responded right away and offered to help. She and her daughter went to pick him up the next morning. The kitten was very hungry. They immediately drove to the nearest store to get some kitten milk replacer and all the supplies they needed.

"He had his first meal in a parking lot after we bought syringes," Beth told Love Meow.

They named him Mr. Tiny Pants, and he was a fighter from day one. He scarfed down all the food he could pack into his tiny body, showing amazing vitality and will to live.

Beth Walden @mr_tiny_pants

"His eyes weren't open and his umbilical cord was still attached. But he moved around without issues."

Soon after arrival, Beth's three dogs heard the kitten's cries and came to meet him.

Under supervision, they were introduced to the kitten. The female Frenchie washed his little face and was very loving and gentle, and just wanted to mother him.

Beth Walden @mr_tiny_pants

Salvador the dog adores his feline friend and comes to check on him whenever he makes a squeak.

"They come running when he meows," Beth said.

Beth Walden @mr_tiny_pants

While his eyes were still closed, he was on a constant quest for his mom and siblings. Beth kept him company to assure him that he was not alone.

"I'm just trying my hardest to make sure whatever he does from now on is fantastic," Beth told Love Meow.

Beth Walden @mr_tiny_pants

Over the next few weeks, the kitten hit one milestone after another.

Watch the kitten's journey in this cute video:

Orphaned kitten finds three canine

Mr. Tiny Pants opened his eyes to see for the first time, and his canine buddies were right there to celebrate with him.

Beth Walden @mr_tiny_pants

When the kitten was big enough, Beth let him cuddle with the dogs under supervision.

The kitten instantly melted in their arms and purred up a storm. Having a furry friend to snuggle with lifted his spirits and made him feel happy and loved.

Beth Walden @mr_tiny_pants

The kitten very much enjoys his entourage of bodyguards. He feels at ease, having them by his side while his canine friends watch him fall fast asleep next to them.

Now whenever the kitten wants a cuddle or extra baths, they come running.

Beth Walden @mr_tiny_pants

Just recently, the kitten started to learn to walk. The canine crew was there when he took his first steps.

Salvador is a great kitten-sitter, watching over his little buddy every step of the way.

Beth Walden @mr_tiny_pants

The kitty who was found without a mom and siblings, will never be alone again.

Today, he tipped the scales at one pound and two ounces (510 grams). "When I took him to the vet a few days after I first got him he was only four ounces (113 grams). He's getting so big!"

Beth Walden @mr_tiny_pants

Share this story with your friends. Follow Mr. Tiny Pants and his adventures on Instagram.

Related story: Kitten with Thumbs Found Love in Giant Dog Who Raised Him Into the Cuddliest Cat

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